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Our Conferences

The First Regional Forum on Drug Addiction and Recovery

The Forum took place in Belgrade and for the first time in this region gathered more than 150 participants and a number of international speakers, who presented a wide range of evidence based research about the benefits of investing in recovery ……. read more

International Conference of Recovered Users

An annual Regional Conference that has been held in Sarajevo for fourteen years in a row. It brings together recovered users who have found their way out of addiction by accepting a Christian worldview …… read more

BiH on the road to EU

Joint Conference of the EU Delegation to BH and NGO Celebrate Recovery. With more than 100 participants, challenges, achievements and needs in the area of drug supply and demand reduction in BH have been addressed and guidelines for a way forward in this field have been created and disseminated ……. read more

Addiction recovery - Shift in policies and practice III

With support of the Commission for Monitoring the Implementation of the Illicit Drugs Control Strategy, Celebrate Recovery organized a conference in Banja Luka for experts from the Republic of Srpska. Around 80 participants from the drug addiction field attended the conference and discussed the situation regarding drug abuse in this entity….read more

Addiction recovery - a change in policies and practices II

The Conference took place in the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and was organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Security. It provided a platform for sharing evidence based data on recovery from addiction as an option that improves the lives of individuals and benefits communities. …. ….read more

Addiction recovery - a change in policies and practices I

Who are the key stakeholders in drug abuse field in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Our goal was to inform the stakeholders about our work and about the project Choose Recovery as well as to hear more about the efforts of others that are aimed at reducing drug abuse in BH. … .. …..read more

Izlaganja na konferencijama

UNODC – 63th CND, Beč, Austrija, Mart 2020
Side event: Improving outreach and multidisciplinary approach

Kanabis – dobijamo ili gubimo?, Zagreb, Hrvatska, Decembar 2019
Odnos naspram kanabisa u regiji

4th International Capacity Building Program, Istanbul, Turska, Decembar 2019

1. Regionalni forum o ovisnosti o drogama i oporavku, Beograd, Srbija, Novembar 2019
Projekt Biram Oporavak – od procjene potreba do efektivnog odgovora

NCADAAsia Forum Against Drugs, Singapur, Septembar 2019
Recovery oriented systems of care in Balkan countries

Asian Forum Against Drugs, Cochin, Indija, Septembar 2019
Paths to Recovery- Reducing stigma around addiction

International Drug Rehabilitation Forum, Kunming, Kina, Juni 2019

UNODC – INCB hearing, Beč, Austrija, Maj 2019
The importance of early interventions for young people with drug related problems

UNODC – 62th CND, Beč, Austrija, Mart 2019
Side event: Why recovery should be aim of any treatment
Side event: Recovery cities – Creating sustainable partnerships within the city
Side event: Evidence based research: Life in Recovery

UNODC – CND Civil Society hearing, Beč, Austrija, Februar 2019
Improving the overall situation for people in need

Sistemi podrške i zaštite usmjereni ka oporavku, Beograd, Srbija, Decembar 2018
Oporavak od ovisnosti o drogama kao zajednički cilj cijele zajednice i društva

Recovery Cities, Geteborg, Švedska, Decembar 2018
Recovery movement in the Balkans

Projekt resocijalizacije liječenih ovisnika o drogama kao ključ uspješnog oporavka od ovisnosti, Zagreb, Hrvatska, Oktobar 2018
Zašto bi nam oporavak od ovisnosti o drogama trebao biti zajednički cilj

World Federation of Therapeutic Communities conference, Bangkok, Tajland, Oktobar 2018
Life in recovery, myth or reality

DB Recovery + UKESAD conference, London, Velika Britanija, Juni 2018
Recovered Users Network – Importance of recovery voices in society

 WFAD/ECAD – 6th World Forum Against Drugs, Geteborg, Švedska, Maj 2018
Choose Recovery

Parliamentarians Against Drugs, Moskva, Rusija, Decembar 2017

Oporavak od zavisnosti – prilike, potrebe i trendovi, Podgorica, Crna Gora, Novembar 2017
Projekt Biram Oporavak

ECAD – Sweden Against Drugs, Eskilstuna, Švedska, Septembar 2017
Our challenge – Recovery oriented approach

City of Gothenburg, Recovery conference, Geteborg, Švedska, April 2017
The importance of recovery voices in society

UNODC – 60th CND, Beč, Austrija, Mart 2017:

ISAAC Regional Conference, Poljska, Februar 2017
Engagement on EU and UN level

WFAD – East Africa Regional Conference, Nairobi, Kenija, Februar 2017
Importance of recovery oriented drug policies

Izazovi na području ovisnosti o drogama, Konferencija, Hrvatska, Oktobar 2016
Novi koncept oporavka

UNODC – UNGASS, General Assembly, NewYork, SAD, April 2016

UNODC – 59th CND, Beč, Austrija, Mart 2016
Side event: Roads to recovery, quality standards for the treatment of drug use disorders

WFAD- 4th World Forum Against Drugs, Beč, Austrija, Mart 2016
Recovery organizations involved in WFAD’s regional project

UNODC, UNGASS – Civil society hearing, NewYork, SAD, Februar 2016

3 Balkan konferencija: Sistemi zdravstvene i socijalne zaštite usmjereni ka potpunom oporavku od ovisnosti, Beograd, Srbija, Februar 2016
Kršćanski pristup kao održiva opcija u oporavku od ovisnosti o drogama

UNODC – Reconvened 58th CND, Beč, Austrija, Decembar 2015
Preliminary results from Civil Society Task Force (representative of recovered users)

WFAD’s nine lessons on drug policy, Štokholm, Švedska, Oktobar 2015
Recovery – myth or reality?

UNODC – 58th CND, Beč, Austrija, Mart 2015
Side event: Recovery is reality

International Symposium on Drug policy and Public Health, Istanbul, Turska, Septembar 2014
A Christian Approach to Sustainable Recovery Options

WFAD- 4th World Forum Against Drugs, Štokholm, Švedska, Maj 2014
Recovery works

European Federation of Therapeutic Communities conference, Prag, Češka, Oktobar 2013
Why we established Recovered Users Network?

European Parliament, Brisel, Belgija, Septembar 2013 Launch of Recovered Users Network

Civil Society Forum on Drugs – EC, Brisel, Belgija, Juni 2013
Way how to combat Drug Abuse in Balkan Countries



VNGOC- Vienna NGO Committee
An umbrella organization which gathers around 300 members and provides a vital link between NGO’s, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND). Celebrate Recovery has been an active member since 2013 and has participated in Annual General Assemblies. Celebrate Recovery is also a representative of Recovered Users within the Civil Society Task Force (CSTF)

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In 2008 Celebrate Recovery was granted a Consultative Status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) which is the highest status granted by the UN to NGO’s, thereby allowing them to participate in the work of the UN to advance the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental. Consultative status provides us with an opportunity to bring our expertise on important social and economic issues from the grassroots and to organize side events during the Sessions of the CND.

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CSFD- Civil Society Forum on Drugs
The Civil Society Forum on Drugs is an expert group of the European Commission in Brussels and its membership comprises 45 CSOs from across Europe. Celebrate Recovery actively participates in the work of the CSFD since 2013 and feeds in the EU Drugs Strategy and its follow-up with the expertise from the grassroots

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EURAD- Europe for Action on Drugs
Since 1988, EURAD has been representing organizations whose main goal is to reduce drug demand through prevention, treatment and recovery. Celebrate Recovery has become a member back in 2012, and since then has a representative on the Board and actively participates in creating the plans and guidelines for the work of EURAD.

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RUN-Recovered Users Network
Celebrate Recovery, with 3 other organizations, is one of the founders of this specific platform that globally advocates for balanced, recovery-oriented drug policies. The network currently has 67 members, and our organization coordinates its work.

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WFAD- World Federation Against Drugs
An umbrella organization of over 250 members from all over the world based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Celebrate Recovery has been a member since 2014 and is involved in organizing forums and regional conferences as well as implementing projects in the Western Balkan Region. From 2020, Celebrate Recovery has a representative on the Board of WFAD.

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DPF – Drug Policy Futures
Celebrate Recovery has been actively participating in the work of this platform since 2018. year The goal of the DPF is to bring expertise and scientific evidence that will balance global drug policy and highlight the importance of prevention, treatment and recovery instead of legalization and exclusivity of harm reduction approaches

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We support the vision of this organization as associate members from 2014. MOVENDI has a vision of a life for all human beings free to live up to their fullest potential, and free from harm caused by alcohol and other drugs.

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Celebrate Recovery joined ECETT in 2015 and recognised the benefit this network provides to its members through exchange of best practices. year We aim to find similar organizations through this network, and by exchanging knowledge and experience implement new approaches in our work. This has been our practice for several times already.

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  • 2020-2022 Biram Oporavak“, donator: Forum Syd / WFAD- Svjetska Federacija protiv droga
  • 2017-2019 „Biram Oporavak“, donator: Forum Syd / WFAD- Svjetska Federacija protiv droga
  • 2019 „Ja biram“, donator: Federalno ministarstvo za nauku i obrazovanje
  • 2016-2018 „Consortium Youth Mobility“, donator: ERASMUS+
  • 2017 „Preveniraj, ne promoviraj!“, donator: Federalno ministarstvo obrazovanja i nauke
  • 2016 „Saznajmo više, zbog naše djece“, donator: Općina Centar Sarajevo
  • 2016 „Zajednickim djelovanjem za bolji uspjeh u prevenciji maloljetničkog prestupnistva“, donator: Vlada Kantona Sarajevo
  • 2016 „Zajedničkim radom za bolji položaj omladine i porodica“, donator: Grad Istočno Sarajevo
  • 2015-16 „Tri Balkan“, donator: Forum Syd / WFAD- Svjetska Federacija protiv droga
  • 2015-16 „NeOvisnost“, donator: Općina Centar
  • 2015 „Da, pozitivnome!“, donator Ministarstvo obrazovanja KS
  • 2014-15 ”Saznaj, educiraj – za bolji život bez droge”, donator: UN-ov odjel za droge i kriminal, Austrija
  • 2014-15 „Nedaj da te skuhaju“, donator: Općina Centar Sarajevo
  • 2013-16 „Obnovimo razrušeno“, donator: CMA
  • 2013-14 „Upcycle Women“, donator: Ambasada Švicarske u BiH

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